Grass-Fed, All Natural, Pasture Raised Meat & Eggs
What People Are Saying
“I love that the animals get to roam free. The meats are delicious and the eggs are the best I’ve ever seen”
— Donna Smith
“We’re always delighted with the food from Lindenhof. Took beef jerkey and beef sticks to Lake Okoboji in Iowa in June and they disappeared like “snow in the mid-sun”. Took a heritage turkey to Radford, VA (on the train) last Thanksgiving and EVERYONE raved about it”
— Diane Wenthe
“Love the meat here. So fresh and delicious! Just made a roast chicken from here, it was amazing”
— Jennifer Zampino
“This is the first spot I go to every Saturday at the West Chester Grower’s Market. They’re always very pleasant and offer a large variety of food”
— Brad Court
“We purchased our first turkey from you this year and I have to tell you it was the BEST tasting turkey I have EVER had in my 65 years!!! We did a dry brine. Kudos to you and your family!! Thank you for your hard work and dedication! We are happy happy customers!
— Deb Hiatt
A bit about our farm.
We raise and sell our beef, turkeys, chickens, lamb, pork & duck at farmer’s markets.. All of the animals are raised on our farm in a grass-fed, natural, humane setting. We sell our products at 4 farmer’s markets: Eagleview, Oakmont, West Chester and Kennett Square all located in Pennsylvania.
Special thanks to Small Hill Films for coming to our farm to make this video and capturing our farm on film so well!
And a big thank you to Growing Roots Partners (they run the Eagleview market we go to on Thursdays) for organizing everything and making this film happen! Thanks for your support!
Pasture-Raised Animals
Here is another short video that Small Hill Films made with Growing Roots Partners where Michael Pollan discusses the natural cycle of the soil, grass and how the animals impact the soil cycle. All of the animals and farmland featured are Lindenhof animals!
Animals thrive in environments suited to their needs. Chickens and turkeys are naturally omnivors and feast on bugs, grubs, seeds and worms. They were not meant to feed on grain and corn while living in cramped quarters.
Pasture Environments are:
—Better for the animals, they eat what nature intended in the pasture
—Better for the environment and there is harmony between the land & the animals
—Better for farmers because they live & work in a healthy sustainable atmosphere
—Better for consumers because grass-fed foods are lower in saturated fats & higher in essential nutrients.
They support overall good health.